August 2024
From the desk of
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12 NIV
The Prophet Hosea used the farming example in the above verse to remind Israel to not forget the promises of God to save and restore them. Just as in farming, some things need to be done to prepare for the harvest. We too are called to prepare our hearts, our lives and our living is such a way that we remove all that is not of God. He will reward our work and he will rain down mercy and grace that will yield a crop of his glory and his praise. This new Church year, it is my deepest prayer that this will be a time of revival, renewal and restoration for our Bloomfield faith community.
We have certainly had times of slow or no growth. We have had to deal with the pandemic and the schisms in our general church, but mercifully Bloomfield UMC has survived and is moving forward and taking ground all because of you and your family. We are thankful for your support of prayers, presence, presents and praise.
In this new Church year we will continue several of our traditional programs while adding new ones. The first event on our calendar is our 34th Harvest celebrations. Using the same theme from Hosea, we will be challenging ourselves as to what seeds we are sowing. Are we doing and saying the right things in the sight of God? Our celebrations will consist of a time of Prayer via Zoom on Saturday, September 14th at 8:30 am via Zoom, two worships services on Sunday, September 15th, our normal worship service at11:00am and our outdoor Harvest Festival Service at 4:00pm. There will be a Grab and Go Lunch Fundraiser and Tag Sale on Saturday, September 21st from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. We covet your prayers and your support.
Bible study resumes every Wednesday night at 7:00pm via Zoom beginning on September 4th. All members, friends and families are welcome. A new Bible Study opportunity will start every Sunday morning in person in our fellowship hall. This will begin on September 8th from10:00am -10:50am. We invite you to make your choice as we seek to grow deeper in Christ. Prayer meeting continues every Tuesday morning via a conference line and all members, family and friends are also encouraged to join in and bring your praise reports and prayer requests. The conference # is 1 848-220-3300 and the passcode is 5203248. Be on the lookout for a Prayer and Healing Service coming in October at the church. Spread the word and pray for an outpouring of God’s healing touch on that evening.
A critical part of looking at our new year is discerning new workers for God’s kingdom. We know that most persons are busy and have to balance life, work, play and home. We are praying that if you are asked to serve on a committee, you would prayerfully consider that your church needs you. We are looking for persons to serve in all the ministries of the church. Several of the ministries you do not have to be a member to serve. If you have a particular area of interest, please speak to me and we would be happy to work with you as we declare God’s goodness in his land.
I close by reminding you that this servant of God loves and care for you. No phone call or email is an interruption for me. May God show us all how to sow righteousness so that we may honor him in all we do in Jesus’ name. Let it be so!
Pastor Egan Bovell
From the desk of
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12 NIV
The Prophet Hosea used the farming example in the above verse to remind Israel to not forget the promises of God to save and restore them. Just as in farming, some things need to be done to prepare for the harvest. We too are called to prepare our hearts, our lives and our living is such a way that we remove all that is not of God. He will reward our work and he will rain down mercy and grace that will yield a crop of his glory and his praise. This new Church year, it is my deepest prayer that this will be a time of revival, renewal and restoration for our Bloomfield faith community.
We have certainly had times of slow or no growth. We have had to deal with the pandemic and the schisms in our general church, but mercifully Bloomfield UMC has survived and is moving forward and taking ground all because of you and your family. We are thankful for your support of prayers, presence, presents and praise.
In this new Church year we will continue several of our traditional programs while adding new ones. The first event on our calendar is our 34th Harvest celebrations. Using the same theme from Hosea, we will be challenging ourselves as to what seeds we are sowing. Are we doing and saying the right things in the sight of God? Our celebrations will consist of a time of Prayer via Zoom on Saturday, September 14th at 8:30 am via Zoom, two worships services on Sunday, September 15th, our normal worship service at11:00am and our outdoor Harvest Festival Service at 4:00pm. There will be a Grab and Go Lunch Fundraiser and Tag Sale on Saturday, September 21st from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. We covet your prayers and your support.
Bible study resumes every Wednesday night at 7:00pm via Zoom beginning on September 4th. All members, friends and families are welcome. A new Bible Study opportunity will start every Sunday morning in person in our fellowship hall. This will begin on September 8th from10:00am -10:50am. We invite you to make your choice as we seek to grow deeper in Christ. Prayer meeting continues every Tuesday morning via a conference line and all members, family and friends are also encouraged to join in and bring your praise reports and prayer requests. The conference # is 1 848-220-3300 and the passcode is 5203248. Be on the lookout for a Prayer and Healing Service coming in October at the church. Spread the word and pray for an outpouring of God’s healing touch on that evening.
A critical part of looking at our new year is discerning new workers for God’s kingdom. We know that most persons are busy and have to balance life, work, play and home. We are praying that if you are asked to serve on a committee, you would prayerfully consider that your church needs you. We are looking for persons to serve in all the ministries of the church. Several of the ministries you do not have to be a member to serve. If you have a particular area of interest, please speak to me and we would be happy to work with you as we declare God’s goodness in his land.
I close by reminding you that this servant of God loves and care for you. No phone call or email is an interruption for me. May God show us all how to sow righteousness so that we may honor him in all we do in Jesus’ name. Let it be so!
Pastor Egan Bovell